Em 2024, a 15ª edição do CBSoft será realizada presencialmente, de 30 de setembro a 04 de outubro de 2024 em Curitiba, Paraná.👉 Mapa

Simpósio Brasileiro de Engenharia de Software

Accepted Papers

Full Papers
A Decade of Evolution in Project Leaders Onboarding Process at a Global Software Company: A Case StudyAuthor(s): Rayfran Rocha Lima (Sidia IT & Cesar School), Caroline da Encarnacao Fernandes (Sidia IT), Elcione Lima (Sidia IT), Renata Castro (Sidia IT), Ana Carolina Oran (UFAM)
A educação em desenvolvimento de software seguro é necessária na indústria de software? Respostas de profissionais de um hub de tecnologia no BrasilAuthor(s): José Claudino Santos Neto (UFPE), Carla Silva (UFPE), Jéssyka Vilela (UFPE), Mariana Peixoto (UPE)
Agile Minds, Innovative Solutions, and Industry–Academia Collaboration: Lean R&D Meets Problem-based Learning in Software Engineering EducationAuthor(s): Lucas Romao (PUC-Rio), Marcos Kalinowski (PUC-Rio), Clarissa Barbosa (PUC-Rio), Allysson Allex Araújo (UFCA), Simone D. J. Barbosa (PUC-Rio), Helio Lopes (PUC-Rio)
An Undergraduate Software Engineering Practice Course: Bridging the Academia-Industry GapAuthor(s): Sofia Larissa da Costa Paiva (UFG), Adriana Silveira de Souza (UFG), Juliano Lopes de Oliveira (UFG), Mariana Soller Ramada (UFG), Murilo Lopes da Luz (UFG)
Aproximando Indústria e Academia para Lapidação de Talentos em Desenvolvimento de Software no Sertão do Ceará: Um Estudo de Caso sobre o mandacaru.devAuthor(s): Alexandre Feitosa (UFC), Artelino Tavares (PDtec), Henrique Martins (B3), Emanuel Pessôa (B3), Marlon Paiva (UFC), Emerson B. Tomaz (UFC), Allysson Allex Araújo (UFCA)
Assisting Novice Developers Learning in Flutter Through Cognitive-Driven DevelopmentAuthor(s): Ronivaldo Ferreira (UFPA), Victor Hugo Santiago C. Pinto (UFPA), Cleidson R. B. de Souza (UFPA), Gustavo Pinto (UFPA & Zup Innovation)
Beyond Code: the Development of Soft Skills through Training in Software EngineeringAuthor(s): Victória Cavalcante (UFAC), Catarina Costa (UFAC), Daricélio Soares (UFAC)
Contributing to Open-Source Projects in Refactoring Code Smells: A Practical Experience in Teaching Software MaintenanceAuthor(s): Carla Bezerra (UFC), Victor Anthony Alves (UFC), Antônio Hugo Lobo (UFC), João Paulo Queiroz (UFC), Lara Lima (UFC), Paulo Meirelles (USP)
Current DevOps Teaching Techniques: A Systematic Literature ReviewAuthor(s): Pedro S. C. Garcia (UFOP), Jose Ferreira (UFMG), Matheus Gonçalves (UFMG), Tiago Carneiro (UFOP), Eduardo Figueiredo (UFMG), Igor M. Pereira (UFOP)
Curricularization of Extension through the Development of Computational Solutions Supporting the Sustainable Development GoalsAuthor(s): Heloise Acco Tives (IFPR), Gabriel Ancini (IFPR), Edna Dias Canedo (UnB), Andreia Marini (IFPR)
Definição e Avaliação de uma Abordagem Gamificada para o Ensino de Teste de SoftwareAuthor(s): Eduardo Henrique Nascimento (UFRN), Roberta Coelho (UFRN), Charles Madeira (UFRN), Kláudio Medeiros (Unifacisa), Lucas Silva (UFRN), Carlos Oliveira Neto (UFRN)
Empowering Undergraduates in Empirical Research Methods: an Experience ReportAuthor(s): Jéssyka Vilela (UFPE), Carla Silva (UFPE)
Fostering Collaboration through Design Thinking: A Study among Software Engineering StudentsAuthor(s): Dariane Abich (IFFar), Rafael Parizi (IFFar), Sabrina Marczak (PUCRS)
From Theory to Interpreting the Practice: Exploring the Role-play to Teach DevOpsAuthor(s): Lucas Lima Mota (UFC), Rodrigo Pereira dos Santos (UNIRIO), Awdren Fontão (UFMS), Allysson Allex Araújo (UFCA)
IT Talent Shortage: Strategies to Mitigate a BlackoutAuthor(s): Ana Carolina Moises de Souza (NTNU, Noruega), Sheila Reinehr (PUCPR), Andreia Malucelli (PUCPR), Tayana Conte (UFAM), Sabrina Marczak (PUCRS), Letizia Jaccheri (NTNU, Noruega), Fabio Binder (PUCPR), Tanara Lauschner (UFAM), Daniela Cruzes (NTNU, Noruega)
It's Not All about Gender: A Multi-dimensional Course Perspective on Diversity and Inclusion in Software Engineering EducationAuthor(s): Kiev Gama (UFPE), Reydne Santos (UFPE)
Processo para Incorporação do Conceito de Dívida Técnica de Requisitos em Projetos AcadêmicosAuthor(s): Fernando Guilhermino (UPE), Maria Lencastre (UPE), Jaelson Castro (UFPE)
Teaching Software Engineering with Project-Based Learning: A Four Years Experience ReportAuthor(s): Lina Garcés (USP), Brauner Oliveira (USP)
Teaching Software Engineering: An Overview of Current Approaches and Practices in the Last Decade of SBESAuthor(s): Ana Clementino (UFERSA), Erick Lima (UFCA), Luann Lima (UFCA), André Guedes (IFMT), Dorgival Netto (UFCA), Jarbele Coutinho (UFERSA)