Em 2024, a 15ª edição do CBSoft será realizada presencialmente, de 30 de setembro a 04 de outubro de 2024 em Curitiba, Paraná.👉 Mapa

Simpósio Brasileiro de Engenharia de Software

Accepted Papers

Full Papers
A New Integration Approach to Support the Development of Build-time Micro Frontend Architecture ApplicationsAuthor(s): Fernando Moraes (UNESP), Frank José Affonso (UNESP)
A Prompt Engineering-based Process to Build Proto-Personas during Lean InceptionAuthor(s): Raul Leão (UFMS), Fernando Ayach (UFMS), Vitor Lameirão (UFMS), Awdren de Lima Fontão (UFMS)
Beyond Continuous Improvement: Unraveling the Invisible Challenges of Implementing Organizational Change in a Software CompanyAuthor(s): Rayfran Rocha Lima (Sidia), Ana Carolina Oran (UFAM), César França (UFRPE)
Design Systems and Component Packages as An Interface for AccessibilityAuthor(s): Sofia Diniz Melo Santos (UFPE), Kiev Gama (UFPE)
Detecting Test Smells in Python Test Code Generated by LLM: An Empirical Study with GitHub CopilotAuthor(s): Victor Anthony Alves (UFC), Cristiano Santos (UFBA), Carla Bezerra (UFC), Ivan Machado (UFBA)
Evaluating Large Language Models in Detecting Test SmellsAuthor(s): Keila Lucas (UFCG), Rohit Gheyi (UFCG), Elvys Alves Soares (IFAL), Marcio Ribeiro (UFAL), Ivan Machado (UFBA)
Evaluating the Capability of LLMs in Identifying Compilation Errors in Configurable SystemsAuthor(s): Lucas Albuquerque (UFCG), Rohit Gheyi (UFCG), Marcio Ribeiro (UFAL)
Generation of test datasets using LLM - Quality Assurance PerspectiveAuthor(s): José Leandro de Melo Sousa (UFAM), Cristian Souza (INdT), Raiza Hanada (INdT), Diogo Nascimento (INdT), Eliane Figueiredo Collins (USP)
Integrating STPA with Safety Requirements ModelingAuthor(s): Moniky Ribeiro (UFPE), Jaelson Castro (UFPE), Ricardo Argenton Ramos (UNIVASF)
Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis of Communication Experience of Women Leaders in Collaborative Meetings in Software Engineering TeamsAuthor(s): Camila Freitas Sarmento (UFCG), Tiago Lima Massoni (UFCG), Carlos Fran Ferreira Dantas (IFRN), Narallynne Maciel Araújo (UFCG), Rayana Rocha (UFCG)
Investigating the Onboarding Process at Software Development: Initial Trainees' PerceptionsAuthor(s): Riordan Moraes (UFMA), Allysson Allex Araújo (UFCA), Luis Rivero (UFMA), Davi Viana (UFMA)
Mining Repositories to Analyze the Lifecycle of Frameworks and LibrariesAuthor(s): Ronaldo Rubens Gesse Júnior (UNESP), Higor Amario de Souza (UNESP)
Multilingual Crowd-Based Requirements Engineering Using Large Language ModelsAuthor(s): Arthur Pilone da Silva (USP), Paulo Meirelles (USP), Fabio Kon (USP), Walid Maalej (Universität Hamburg)
On the Identification of Self-Admitted Technical Debt with Large Language ModelsAuthor(s): Pedro Lambert (PUC-MG), Lucila Ishitani (PUC-MG), Laerte Xavier (PUC-MG)
Perspectives and Challenges of iOS Developers in Using Reactive Programming with RxSwiftAuthor(s): Elaine Cruz Farias (UFPE), Carlos Zimmerle (UFPE), Kiev Gama (UFPE)
Terraform and AWS CDK: A Comparative Analysis of Infrastructure Management ToolsAuthor(s): João Frois (PUC-MG), Lucas Rezende (PUC-MG), Johnatan Alves Oliveira (UFMG), Laerte Xavier (PUC-MG), Cleiton Silva Tavares (PUC-MG)
Toward a Language-Agnostic Approach to Detect Test SmellsAuthor(s): Publio Silva (UFC), Carla Bezerra (UFC), Ivan Machado (UFBA)
Towards Blockchain Developer Experience (BcDEx): Exploring Dimensions of Developer Experience in Blockchain-oriented Software EngineeringAuthor(s): Pamella de Soares Sousa (UECE), Allysson Allex Araújo (UFCA), Raphael Lima Saraiva (UECE), Jerffeson Souza (UECE)
Towards Differential Fuzzing to Reduce Manual Efforts to Identify Equivalent Mutants: A Preliminary StudyAuthor(s): Bruno Ely Reis Garcia (USP), Marcio Delamaro (USP), Simone Souza (USP)
Understanding the Relationship of Conflict, Psychological safety and Success in Software Development ProjectsAuthor(s): Wladimir Farias Tenorio Filho (UPE), Brenda Barros (UPE), Maria Lencastre (UPE), Roberta Andrade de Araújo Fagundes (UPE)
Unveiling Product Manager's Journey in Software Development: Preliminary FindingsAuthor(s): Lucas Reis Abreu (UFMA), Davi Viana (UFMA), Luis Rivero (UFMA)
Why is My Community Reacting Like This? Understanding Reactions in Open-Source CommunitiesAuthor(s): Jorge Luiz Melgarejo (UFMS), Awdren de Lima Fontão (UFMS), Hudson Silva Borges (UFMS)