Em 2024, a 15ª edição do CBSoft será realizada presencialmente, de 30 de setembro a 04 de outubro de 2024 em Curitiba, Paraná.👉 Mapa

Simpósio Brasileiro de Linguagens de Programação

Accepted Papers

Full Papers
An internal dopesquisa-specific language for expressing linear pipelines: a prof-of-concept with MPI in RustAuthor(s): Leonardo Gibrowski Faé, Dalvan Griebler (PUCRS)
Cloud-based parallel computing across multiple clusters in JuliaAuthor(s): Francisco H. Carvalho-Junior, João Marcelo Uchôa de Alencar, Claro Sales(UFC)
Compact Representations for Arrays in LuaAuthor(s): Roberto Ierusalimschy, Noemi Rodriguez (PUC-Rio)
Converting Combinatory Logic to and from Concatenative CalculusAuthor(s): Daniel Kiyoshi Hashimoto Vouzella de Andrade, Hugo Musso Gualandi (UFRJ)
Differential Testing using Random Well-Typed Haskell ProgramsAuthor(s): Samuel da Silva Feitosa (UFFS), Rodrigo Geraldo Ribeiro (UFOP)
Go x Java e gRPC x REST: Um estudo empíricoAuthor(s): Ricardo Terra, Luiz Otávio Soares (UFLA)
Hok: Higher-Order GPU kernels in ElixirAuthor(s): Tiago Perlin, Frederico Peixoto Antunes, Gerson Geraldo H. Cavalheiro, Andre Rauber Du Bois (UFPEL)
Memoization of Mutable ObjectsAuthor(s): Caio Raposo, Fernando Magno Quintao Pereira (UFMG)
OFG-STM: Transactional Memory for GPUs based on Obstruction-Free STM algorithmsAuthor(s): Tiago Perlin, Gerson Geraldo H. Cavalheiro, Andre Rauber Du Bois (UFPEL)
Semantic conflict detection via dynamic analysisAuthor(s): Amanda Moraes, Paulo Borba (UFPE), Leuson Da Silva (Polytechnique Montreal)
Short Papers
A Snapshot of OpenMP Projects on GitHubAuthor(s): Cristian Carvalho Quevedo, Marcos Antonio de Oliveira Junior, Andre Rauber Du Bois, Gerson Geraldo H. Cavalheiro (UFPEL)
Classifying C++ Solutions Based on Their Energy ProfileAuthor(s): Sérgio Queiroz de Medeiros, Marcelo Nogueira (UFRN)
Random Elixir Code Generation Applied to Compiler TestingAuthor(s): Bernardo Facchi (UFFS), Andrei de Almeida Braga, Andre Rauber Du Bois (UFPEL), Samuel da Silva Feitosa (UFFS)
The expression problem in platform-aware programmingAuthor(s): Francisco H. Carvalho-Junior (UFC)